While premium products are our priority, we refuse to compromise the environment. As a certified Friend of the Sea, we are certified sustainable and organic Oyster growers.
Angel’s oysters undergo annual audits through the South Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program. Infrastructure innovations (such as switching to adjustable long-line systems) have increased water flow throughout our farms. Consequently, our impact on seabeds is negligible, allowing the sea bed to regrow and rejuvenate. We also recycle our posts and baskets, ensuring we minimise landfill wherever possible.
Angel’s NASAA (National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia) certified organic oysters are raised clean and green. The pristine, nutrient-rich waters of Coffin Bay give our naturally-grown oysters a ‘sweet ocean’ taste, without the need for food or chemical additives. Angel oysters are also ‘100% traced’ – we can account for every oyster and every place it has been, from spat to delivery.
Angel is committed to satisfying beyond expectation. A dedicated selection process for accurate
sizing and quality ensures we deliver the finest produce to even the most discerning buyer.
Our dedication to quality ensures a consistent, attractive appearance and fresh, delicate flavour in all of our oysters.
PACIFIC (Crassostrea Gigas) | |
Standard | 70-80mm |
Buffet | 60-70mm |
Bistro | 50-60mm |
ANGASI (Ostrea Angasi) | |
Standard | 60-70mm |
Production line techniques are aligned and certified within organic status to ensure
Angel’s products are packaged within the NASAA standards with efficiencies contributing
to a stronger, healthier oyster and translates to a longer life after harvest.
Angel oysters are chilled and packaged in labelled hessian bags allowing the oysters
to breathe and be tracked throughout their journey to the end user.